Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Once again - so sorry for the lousy quality of the the image. This blanket is really the impetus behind my starting a knitting blog. I'd knit a gorgeous baby blanket for a lady in our bible study last summer who's baby was due in August. I only found out about the shower a month before the party and then picked out this pattern. I think it's a little Coats and Clark book of baby blankets - this is on the back cover. The lady at the yarn shop said I'd be at it forever and would probably lose my mind. How's that for helping with a sale. Very strange. Anyway - she was right about the "taking forever" part so while running out of time I ran out and bought a ton of Berroco Plush in baby colors and whipped up a very plush blanket in about two weeks. Unfortunately I couldn't be at the shower but I was told it was the hit of the pary. Unfortunately I've never seen the mom take it anywhere I've seen the baby since - wonder if it's a case of "It's too nice to use". You can't win on these things. I obviously never got a shot of that blanket. This one was picked back up after that when I found out our former nanny was pregnant and due the end of October. I love the pattern of this with the slip stitches giving it a sort of plaid look to it. The part that did nearly cause me to lose my mind was the lacy edging. Merde!! I started it, ripped it out, tried a crochetted edge, ripped it out, looked at every edge in "Knitting on the Edge" and relented and did the stinkin' patterned edge and sewed it on so I could just be done with it. So, yes it is December and yes the baby was born the 22nd of October and YES I have asked repeatedly to come over and deliver a gift. But I've not heard from our new mommy and hope all is well with the busyness of the holidays SO.... I'm putting it in the mail TODAY and I figured no more will my projects be relegated to mere memory. Therein lies the purpose of the creation of my blog. So there!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Yo when is the next update?
